Monday, February 28, 2011

Defining Value

In the current economy, it has become fashionable to define "value" as simply the lowest price among new homes. But doing so discounts the value of providing a high level of construction quality, as well as service, before, during, and after your new home is built. This may not be in your family's best interest.

It's been said many times... a new home is likely to be the largest single financial investment anyone will ever make. Why, then, would you trust that investment -- both financially and in your enjoyment of it -- to the lowest price and a limited definition of a home's value?

As a professional builder, we operate with a different and broader definition of value. We believe value includes a positive building experience for the owner and a sense of confidence and pride about a home's quality. Value should also consist of a high level of personal service and a commitment to maintaining a relationship built on trust long after the move in date.

Some builders play the low-price game. They narrowly define value as a stripped-down house, built on the cheap, to achieve a cut-rate price. The goal: make a sale and move on. They typically don't have the staff or systems in place to respond to issues once title is transferred.

Here's how we define and deliver a higher level of value:

Communication: As professional builders, we listen and respond to our clients' ambitions and dreams for their new home. We help them define and discover their wants and needs, while working within their budget. We seek to educate them about the complexities of the building process, set realistic expectations and keep them informed about what happens -- and why -- as their new home takes shape. We seek to be prompt and respectful when we meet to discuss a project. We follow through on promises made and keep our clients informed about a job's progress.

An Efficient Job Site: Our crews and job site managers follow an agreed-upon schedule and detailed list of specifications that we develop with each client. Materials for a new home are ordered and delivered as needed and on time. We manage and coordinate our trade partners and suppliers toward the common goal of meeting our company's standards and our clients' expectations.

Follow-Through: When a new home is finished and we turn over the keys to our clients', we don't disappear. We know that it is critical to our clients' ultimate satisfaction that we continue effective communication while providing thorough and prompt service. When issues crop up -- and they always do -- we have policies and procedures in place to respond in a timely fashion. We work the problem; we don't pass the buck. We belong to this community. This is where we've chosen to raise our family and we intend to be here for years to come.

We believe our definition of value instills confidence and helps ensure satisfaction. We respect that our clients' entrust us to deliver a product that only exists on paper and is created before their eyes. It's a responsibility we take seriously and it's the cornerstone of what we call value.